The 60 days rule

The 183-day rule applies in most states.

This means that a minimum stay of 183 days per calendar year triggers the personal tax liability in a country. If more than half of the year is spent in a country, this generally triggers tax liability on worldwide income. Exceptions are, for example, the USA, where tax liability is linked to citizenship.

Cyprus is an exception to this rule. For the Non Dom status in Cyprus are sufficient 60 days Minimum stay per year, which of course do not have to be spent at a stretch.

Requirements for the "60-day rule" for tax residence of Cyprus is met for persons who:

  • has not resided in any other individual state for a total period of more than 183 days.
  •  is not classified as a tax resident by any other state.
  •  resides in Cyprus for at least 60 days.
  • has other defined Cyprus links.
  • (this individual must carry on a business in Cyprus and/or be employed in Cyprus and/or hold office (director) of a Cyprus taxable company at some time during the tax year, this must be so throughout the tax year).
  • In addition, the individual must maintain a permanent residential property in Cyprus during the tax year, which is either owned or rented by the individual.

However, care should be taken to comply with the provisions and requirements of the regulations in the country of origin and the 60-day regulations and to document them subsequently, because in case of doubt, the country of citizenship has the prerogative to tax if the proof of the center of life is spongy.

Important to know:

Day of departure from Cyprus is considered as day of stay outside Cyprus. Day of arrival in Cyprus counts as a day of stay in Cyprus. Arrival and departure from Cyprus on the same day counts as one day of stay in Cyprus. Departure and arrival in Cyprus on the same day count as one day of stay outside Cyprus.

The best solution is at the end of the fixed residence in Cyprus and you should stay less than 100 days in the country of origin!

We can assist you in all aspects and further we offer with our real estate department a large portfolio of rental and purchase properties and work with a large network of licensed cooperation partners and local brokers.

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