Non-Dom & Yellow Slip

What is that?

Cyprus has a non-dom programme to attract business people and companies to the island in order to keep the location attractive and develop it further. Under this programme, immigrants who are not of Cypriot origin and whose parents are not Cypriots for 17 years of tax exemption and can therefore Dividends and interest income tax-free in Ihr Privatvermögen überführen. Das heißt konkret für die Dividenden Auszahlung der Gewinne aus Ihrer Limited an Sie privat, fallen no taxes .

Cyprus has taken a special path here and introduced the 60-day regulation, which is referred to as Non Dom. With the Non Dom regulation, it is sufficient to Stay of 60 days in the calendar year in Cyprus for personal tax residency. It is also a prerequisite that less than 183 days are spent in another state, because otherwise it would collide with the Cypriot tax residency.

Private individuals and entrepreneurs can benefit from long-term investment and asset strategies from Cyprus and, with the right legal form, can earn up to Save 90 % of the tax burdenwhich would be due vis-à-vis in Germany and Austria.

Take advantage of our expertise and let us advise you on this.

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich mit zertifizierten Anwälten und Steuerberatern vor Ort zusammen und der Non Dom Status kann dann im Zusammenhang nach dem Yello Slip Verfahren beantragt werden.

(Yello Slip ab 450 € (p.Person) und Non Dom Status wird ab 650,00 € (p. Person) angeboten. Die Preise werden direkt mit unseren Kooperationspartnern vor Ort vereinbart!)

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